About Us

About Kingsland Properties | Top Property Management Company in St. Louis
Apartments for change is a slogan that embodies two philosophies. First, providing affordable leases for our residents and affordable service and maintenance to our owner clients for “pocket change”, a common phrase to describe affordable.

Second, “social change” by helping our communities relate to housing in a new light. Many of our neighbors of low or moderate incomes face barriers to decent housing including; affordability, basic home economics education, weak credit and references, unresponsive landlords, evictions, discrimination and inadequate public policies. We have resources to diminish the effect of some of these challenges, but we can’t do it alone. Working with Kingsland is the first step to creating apartments for change!

Contact Us

Kingsland Properties LLC
2750 Lafayette Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63104

P: (314) 771-3509
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